Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Last night we went to visit with my nephew Joe and his wife Liz at their apartment. My brother Scott and his family are in for Christmas! Being with family is my favorite thing! I'm so blessed!!!! We still have a lot of shopping, eating and visiting to do while they are here! Merry Christmas everyone!!!!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Nick and Meagan working a food drive!

Tonight Nick got off of work at 6:00 and he and his cousin Meagan worked a food drive through their jobs, Super One Foods and Brookshires! I'm so thankful they had the opportunity to give of their time to help others! I love my family and have many blessings to count!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Nicks first day at work

Today starts a new chapter in our lives! Nicholas starts working today at Brookshires! He is a bit nervous and excited! Tim is thrilled, Aly is glad to see him go! ( you know how sisters are! Ha) and I am fighting the tears back! It's hard to believe he is 16! Time goes by so fast! I guess Brookshires is my new shopping place!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Selling yearbook ads!

Today the LCA high schoolers are selling yearbook ads! They are so full of spirit and energy! What a great group of teenagers! We ate at
big o burger for lunch they loved it! Enjoy the pics!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Summer almost over...

Nephew Jordan

Aly, Scottie and Nick

Cousins and "Cousin Josh" enjoying Family Time
 Summer is almost over but the heat I'm afraid is not!! My car registered at 116 the other day...That's Texas Weather for ya!!! This next week Nick & Aly head back to school! Nicholas is going in the 10th grade and Alyson going in the 9th grade! Two high-schoolers...It can't be!!! I haven't blogged in a while, so here are some different photos from the summer. I hope everyone is doing well.

Aly and Scottie

Aly, DeAnna and Meagan

Cousins at DeAnna's Wedding

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Recital & Chocolate Banquet

We have had a few busy weeks! Nick played the piano in the recital this year! He did an amazing job in spite of his music accidentally getting thrown away! He had 3 days to come up with a new song,,,he practiced the new piece day and night! DeAnna was his teacher again...she  really does a great job and we are very thankful for her!
Cousins Heather, Alyson and Gabby

Heidi and Alyson

Nick, Jordan & Isaiah at the Recital

Nick & Uncle Bob

Jordan, DeAnna and Nick

Nick gave flowers to DeAnna 
Last night we had our annual ladies banquet at the church, it was "Chocolate and Girlfriends"  We had a great time, our speaker was Mrs. Lisa Hicks. She did an amazing job! I am so thankful for my Church and love all the opportunities to serve the Lord and all the activities we have for us and our children!  I hope everyone is doing well! Happy Mothers Day to all the Mothers! 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Spirit Week at L.C.A.

Grandpa & Grandma Zinn
What a beautiful Spring we are having! The weather has been so nice!
Nick and Aly had spirit week at school! They had a lot of fun dressing up and they learned to participate with their classmates ( Well Nick didn't stand a chance being the only guy in his class ha) they all had a great time!
Tomorrow is their Grandpa Zinn's Birthday, so the school had planned a surprise party for him today! We had a breakfast with the whole school! He was really surprised!!
Nick and Aly received their third quarter report cards. Nick had all A's and Aly had all A's&B's! Tim and I sure are proud of all their hard work!
I was going between the two schools last week and the girls were at P.E. I saw Aly & Heidi at the fence, I just had to stop and take their picture! They look so pitiful! ha!
Nick's class won the spirit stick!!!!

Aly as a Librarian Nick as a cattle herder

Nick, Meagan &Aly on clash day!

Heidi & Aly "enjoying" P.E.

I hope everyone is doing well! Praise the Lord for his goodness and mercy to us!!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Busy Days!!!

Heidi & Aly

Jordan, Nick & Aly

Nick &Aly

Aly with her team

Julie & Aly

Tim & Karen
The Forgy Family has been busy these past few months as I'm sure everyone is!!! Nick and Aly were on the A&B honor roll last semester at school, so they earned a trip to Austin Texas! We went to the capitol building on Monday, it was amazing!!! Pictures don't do it justice! I had the "privilege" of driving Aly and her friends, let me tell you  not a dull moment at all!!! Seriously, I loved every minute of it! I thank God she has great friends! Aly also had a volleyball game Friday night at home, the visiting team won a match and so did  we, so we called it a tie game! The girls had such an amazing spirit and just had fun!!! Tim is keeping busy at the church with the teens and also teaching at the College and the Christian School. I'm also keeping busy between the schools! Life is great and exciting!! Praise the Lord for his goodness!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2011 Teen Banquet

R.G.,, Aly Jordan, Meagan & Nick
Aly & Tim
Nick & Aly with their Grandma & Granpa Zinn
Nick &Aly  attended The LBT Teen Banquet last night! They had a blast. Nick received a soul-winners Bible for his faithfulness to his Bus Route and Aly received a certificate for having people saved and Baptized this past year! God has blessed Tim and I with two amazing kids!! (well they were last night! ha!) Seriously, we sure are enjoying rearing our children at Longview Baptist Temple.  Bro. Randy Cronin gave his testimony, it was a real encouragement to the teens. Pastor was sick last night so Tim filled in for him, I believe Pastor would have been proud of how well Tim conducted the banquet, I know I sure was! These are just a few of the pictures I took. I hope everyone is doing well!!
Aly & Nick

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Cold days!!!!

Nick & Aly
Happy January!! It has been a while since I have blogged...we have been so busy with moving into our home and with Nick and Aly both having the flu.....I took these pictures last Monday after it snowed on Sunday afternoon...the kids were out for a snow day...they played outside for quite a while and built a snow family...I have a feeling this is where their sickness began, but they had alot of fun! My Grandma Gray went home to be with our Lord on Christmas Day so we went to Arkansas for her funeral. She was 98 and lived a good long life, It was hard to see my Dad tell her goodbye, but he knows she is in a much better place! I have a complete answer to prayer, Nick went Ice skating with the teen dept. and fell (he tried so hard to skate) we took him to see the Dr. he sent us to get a MRI done and told us that he was 99% sure he was going to have surgery...we went last week and said, he must be that 1% but he just bruised his bone and no surgery!!! Praise the Lord!!!! God does answer prayer!!! Well that is pretty much all that is going on with the Forgy Family! Until next time, take care!