Sunday, March 13, 2011

Busy Days!!!

Heidi & Aly

Jordan, Nick & Aly

Nick &Aly

Aly with her team

Julie & Aly

Tim & Karen
The Forgy Family has been busy these past few months as I'm sure everyone is!!! Nick and Aly were on the A&B honor roll last semester at school, so they earned a trip to Austin Texas! We went to the capitol building on Monday, it was amazing!!! Pictures don't do it justice! I had the "privilege" of driving Aly and her friends, let me tell you  not a dull moment at all!!! Seriously, I loved every minute of it! I thank God she has great friends! Aly also had a volleyball game Friday night at home, the visiting team won a match and so did  we, so we called it a tie game! The girls had such an amazing spirit and just had fun!!! Tim is keeping busy at the church with the teens and also teaching at the College and the Christian School. I'm also keeping busy between the schools! Life is great and exciting!! Praise the Lord for his goodness!!


  1. Hey you know you had an AWESOMELY AWESOME ABSOLUTELY INSANE SMELLY WONDERFUL TIME....and I won't mention about us getting lost at all since you don't want me to!!!!!
    Thanks for taking your time to take us!!!!!!!!

  2. Oh my goodness, Aly looks JUST like you! I like all the pictures on your blog...I just write these days, which makes mine pretty boring. haha

    Btw, I was page visit #1,199 to your site, so I refreshed the page to put you over 1,200. You can thank me later. :)
